
Fun / in develop programming language for developers interested in algorithmic languages and binary.

Project maintained by ModernBinary Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Calculate and convert characters in modern binary

Modern binary language has relatively easy and difficult calculations. The characters are originally English characters, but must be written as numbers when executed.

How to translate characters into binary modern?

First need to convert the character numbers to ASCII format, respectively. (Numbers [1-9] start at 49 in ASCII, and English letters [a-z] start at 97 ASCII)

Example :

hello Letters in ASCII format :

h ==> 104
e ==> 101
l ==> 108
l ==> 108
o ==> 111

Then we have to multiply each number by the index number of that number. (Note: Indexes start at 1, because if they start at 0, the first number is 0)

Example :

104 * 1 = 104 
101 * 2 = 202
108 * 3 = 324
108 * 4 = 432
111 * 5 = 555

You now have a phrase in modern binary language and can use it in your code!