
Fun / in develop programming language for developers interested in algorithmic languages and binary.

Project maintained by ModernBinary Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Getting Started With ModernBinary

First you need to download the executable version of ModernBinary. The official release or compiler of the ModernBinary programming language is not currently officially available, and this language is under development. You can now use the online version of ModernBinary code executable (Code playground) and execute the code online.

Now you need to know how characters are translated and convert in modern binary. The modern binary code playground has the ability to convert text to binary modern, but to know how to do this, you can read how to convert characters.

Let’s print Hello, World!

Calling and executing commands in modern binary is in the form (action_number)=(argv). Each command has a action_number for calling and then we enter arguments in argv if needed. Let’s start with the simplest command, print! The action_number of the print command is 112. This number according to the algorithm for calculating characters in modern binary, means the p (the first character of the phrase print. Then in argv we can translate our text into modern binary format and then put it in it.

Example :

Let’s print the phrase Hi, which in modern binary equals 72 210.

(112)=(72 210)